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GDPR (the boring stuff)

Benjamin George Books

We only process your personal details so we know where to post your items to, and to contact you for legitimate reasons, for example if there is a problem with your order. 

If you give us your email address, you may receive occasional emails from us relating to the products we create.
You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. Please visit the Contact section of our website if you need help.


Of course, you have the right to not have your details stolen or sold or copied and or shared. So we won't do any of that gubbins.

If you want us to delete your personal details after you have received your order, please tell us. 

Your card/bank details are processed through Wix Payments and I don't fully understand the wizardry involved with their payment processing. If there are any issues with your payment, please contact Wix.

We will never
 give away, or sell, any of your personal information or data. 

© 2024 Benjamin George Books  

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